Thursday, July 9, 2020

The conglomerate is reaching its goal.

In 2010, not long after the conglomerate had coalesced around promoting the sexual harassment of women and had also started promoting child molestation and femicide, I wrote "This is going to turn the United States into a police state where women and children are slaves to men."

A decade later, "Karen"-hunting is being treated by media sources and elected officials as if it is necessary for rooting out evil, rather than the misogyny and adult bullying masquerading as anti-racism that it is.

Amy Cooper isn't perceived as a person.  The incident isn't perceived as a verbal altercation between two New Yorkers who were more irritable than usual because of the Covid-19 quarantine.  She's being annihilated, and used as an example so that other women are intimidated into doing what they're told, never losing their tempers, and not calling the police.

The entire police force in the United States is being manipulated, through this incident, to not respond to women's 911 calls and even to treat a woman's 911 call as a potential crime as soon as a woman's voice is heard.

This has nothing to do with stopping racism or reforming the police.  This is about training the world to Not Believe Women and to hunt them as trophies that prove the hunters' goodness.