Friday, July 31, 2020

We're all judged by the company we keep.

Increasingly, in the age of voyeurism, people are being judged by the company that they don't keep, so there's really no way to win as long as the double standard for perpetrators and survivors is applied.

I was thinking that maybe you could write the policies and procedures that you think every college should have for preventing and addressing sexual misconduct, publish them and then Tweet a link to them every day.  If all the teachers at all grade levels in the United States and around the world did that, then students would start to have a more concrete understanding of their rights and be able to advocate more effectively.  They would also be able to direct their parents to those documents so that the parents and maybe even their employers and other organizations could advocate more effectively.

It doesn't seem as if the administrations are listening.  Unfortunately, students and parents may worry about safety but since they don't know how things are being done or how they could be changed, if they do confront these administrations, it's after something has already happened, when they're the most vulnerable.