Sunday, August 23, 2020

A decade and counting of wasted jealousy

At least 3 of those most-watched videos reference me.

Whose story do you think the world is going to believe; mine or theirs?

That was just a list of the most-watched videos.  It didn't include all of the videos, by male and female performers, that have had over a billion views or several hundred million views.  All of the women who have been jealous of me have wasted their time; my life is nothing to be jealous of.  If they were being honest, they would recognize that, but what has happened to me is so terrifying that they have all, all, blamed me to make it less frightening for themselves.

Yes, you did steal it, and you know you did.

From Google:


You stole that hook, and you know it, the way that you know that the back of this woman's shirt says "MOLEN" and is a joke in the video for "Sorry" about illegally filmed video of me, the way that you and every other celebrity and the entire entertainment industry and a lot of the media know that I'm telling the truth about the public being criminally victimized by voyeurism for almost a decade and counting.


That's not even to mention the TV shows, the movies, the ads; a decade and counting of criminal abuse laughed off as if I am the villain and not the victim, as if I deserved it, as if I asked for it, as if I had a choice, as if I haven't fought back, as if I haven't tried everything to convince them to stop, from being nice to being angry to trying to educate them to appealing (FUTILELY) to the government to do something, to ignoring it, to talking about suicide to starving myself, every possible tactic, every predictable response, from a HELPLESS VICTIM AND A BUNCH OF STUPID BULLIES.