Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thank you for your honesty about this issue, Mr. Grim.

From Ryan Grim's Twitter:

It's good that earlier efforts by you and Mr. Greenwald to support Mr. Coleman weren't successful.

Everyone should read this article, which describes Mr. Coleman's more recent behavior.

I have read several articles about Mr. Coleman.  What none of those articles have discussed so far is how prevalent behavior like Mr. Coleman's is.  It is far more mainstream than seems to be understood by the older adults who are hearing and talking about this story.

Online pornography has a lot to do with it.  Also, an unchecked culture of bullying and harassment, which takes place online, is rampant among adults, teenagers and children.

His behavior is mainstream.  If it weren't, his girlfriend wouldn't have had the reactions that she had before she finally broke up with him.  Extortion over pictures and bullying people to suicide is common among kids, teenagers and adults.  Choking women, which in my generation would have seemed to be a violent, shocking assault out of nowhere, is all over the Internet in pornography.  

This is what young people are really dealing with.