Sunday, August 23, 2020

There is not one word in the entire article about police brutality.

From Google for "Alex Morse":






The rest of the article portrays him as a victim, so now we know that the New York Times wants politicians and teachers to feel at ease sleeping with college students.  

The "judgment" is "swift and unforgiving" toward the real victims in allegations of sexual misconduct.  You know that, New York Times; you put that entire dynamic firmly back into place when you, the Democratic Party, Time's Up and most of the rest of the media branded Tara Reade so that Vice President Biden could continue to run for President.  

That's why nobody is speaking up about Mayor Morse.  Nobody should have to speak up; he slept with college students.  It's inappropriate.  

When there is media support for a politician or other powerful person, they can do what they want.