Saturday, August 29, 2020

You terrorized them because you like Mayor Morse's politics.

You're not even gay, and here you have been redefining discrimination to include confronting elected officials and teachers who sleep with college students.

You were able to do this because there is eagerness from the mainstream media to destroy what is left of Me Too.  

These are STUDENTS.  First, Mayor Morse slept with students, then you said it was fine because he hadn't raped anyone (that we know of), and now your efforts have made STUDENTS doubt their ability to discern appropriate behavior.  

When do these STUDENTS stop being exploited for the sake of an election?  You're not even a resident of Massachusetts; when people started criticizing you at Twitter, you told everybody to be nice to you, Tweeted that people from Massachusetts aren't known for being good people, and ganged up with another reporter to talk about "Massholes."  After all of that, the mainstream media hasn't confronted you, and so these STUDENTS who want to be involved in politics are afraid of you and the "Morsementum" to which you have spent weeks devoting your time.

Obviously, for him to win is good for your career.  

From Ryan Grim's Twitter:


When I make factual errors, I'd rather be corrected immediately than to have people be embarrassed for me.  I do not deliberately manipulate information, nor do I try to intimidate investigations to have the outcomes that I want, nor do I create a hostile environment on a national stage to terrorize anyone who has relevant information into silence, nor do I collude to redefine sex with college students when one is an elected official and a teacher not only as being acceptable behavior but also as being behavior that everyone has to accept or be accused of discrimination.  

My attempts at civic engagement are truthful.