Monday, September 28, 2020

Even marginally concerned about other people as people and not just as an audience





Technically, artists don't have to have particular qualities of character, but the title of this page is the first one that I thought of.  

I haven't seen The Phantom Thread either.  Someone whom I knew saw it; she hated it.  She said it was twisted, which didn't surprise me.  It's good to know that someone who didn't know anything about me had the same conclusion about an industry product of that time.

I'm not mentioning this while you're about to let authorities in the Boston area know about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized more innocent, unsuspecting people every year since 2011, am I?  Were you about to tell them, unable to live with the guilt?  



From YouTube:


The fuck I'm going to be somebody's muse.  Apparently, even one of the most intelligent men of that industry can't tolerate women being anything else.  I don't know; maybe you're not that smart.  Maybe that's a myth.  Maybe you're smart for your industry, and the really smart people have avoided it like the plague that it is for decades.

I appreciate that the woman in the movie isn't idealized for beauty, other than being a lot younger than I am.  That's the most I can say for it.