Thursday, September 24, 2020

Justin Bieber

You're as bad as Taylor Swift, pretending to be me, taking themes from my life and presenting them to the public which you viciously, secretly abuse the way that you viciously, not-so-secretly abuse me.

Your rip-offs are more blatant all the time.  "Intentions" was your music video pretending to care about homeless women.  Now you have published Holy, with the also-disgusting Chance the Rapper, to tears and accolades from the innocent, unsuspecting public.  

"Ac-co-lade."  Look it up.  I know that, like much of the entertainment industry, you barely finished high school and have never even thought about going to college.  You were an intelligent child, and now you're a pathetic, gibbering moron.  

From Justin Bieber's Twitter:

From Justin Bieber's Instagram: