Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Amateur discussion of China





Systemic human rights abuses are the result of a government that has a zero-sum mentality toward its population.  China is rife with those, and I have never understood why.  

It's true that the U.S. has become exponentially more totalitarian since 2010 as unwarranted surveillance has been treated as if it is a funny joke instead of a primary condition for fascism inflicted on the public by the financial elite.  However, denial is serving a purpose in that regard; as ludicrous as the American political parties are in their silence on these issues, at least they're not officially supporting the destruction of privacy rights that their negligence has allowed to proliferate for amusement and social coercion.  

I have freedom of movement, although I can go nowhere without being monitored.  I have freedom of religion, although no religion can protect me from the gross indignities to which I am subjected every day.  I have freedom of speech, although it's not doing me a bit of good.

So far, there are no signs of a plan from either American political party to improve conditions in the United States so that my life can be significantly better and so that the public's privacy can stop being criminally violated.  The shrieking laughter that has accompanied the conglomerate's enjoyment of its proliferating omniscience is settling into a contented, smug assurance that this is how things are going to continue to be.   

It could be worse here.  That does not necessarily explain why it's worse in China.