Sunday, October 18, 2020

For being white while female and alone

This is the entire statement which D.A. Vance published at Twitter.  It is misleading.  It is disgusting.

Nowhere does it say that the "2nd phone call" was from the dispatcher to Ms. Cooper.

Neither D.A. Vance nor anyone else has the right to lie about Ms. Cooper, to make her a contemporary and historical villain, to set a precedent for women to continue to be hunted with cell phone cameras by people looking for a "Karen" video to send to news stations, all to prevent rioting and win elections.

You can prevent rioting by refusing to tolerate it.  Maybe elections aren't won without lying and manipulation, but they should be.

From D.A. Vance's Twitter:



He even used the word "hoax."  A HOAX.

This is about a woman by herself being aggressed upon by an unknown man intent on filming her doing what he wanted her to do.  He would have caused her less damage if he'd beaten her up, stolen her purse, killed the dog, but otherwise left her alone.  

After thousands of years, there's still no "perfect" victim, but we seem to be nearing the definition of a perfect perpetrator:  Harvard-educated, gay, over 50, bespectacled, with a hobby whose reputation as a pursuit for the mild-mannered and peaceful is turning out to be deceptive.  


Nothing is missing from the plot.  It has everything, from the ambitious sister who stands up for her "nicer" brother to the hovering Twitter neighbors eager to denounce the leash-hating hussy, the lurid newspapers and their modern equivalents, politicians praising the selfish bullies as model citizens, conflation of a small and unnecessarily dramatized incident with a much more serious tragedy and international conflict, outrage and immediate action in the local legislature, and now the besieged woman, her ability to make a living taken from her, her place in society consigned to eternal shunning, is about to be branded a criminal, and so are women all over the world who don't meekly do as they're told by men, on camera. 

What's the best part of the story?  The years during which the police wouldn't respond to domestic violence calls at all, the women killed by their partners when the police don't enforce restraining orders, the Incel movement that was already characterizing women as "Stacys" and "Beckys" and "Female Humanoid Organisms" and inspiring men to murder people in droves?  I'll stop here.  I hope you motherfuckers stop somewhere.