Monday, October 26, 2020

I wish that the Democratic Party would stop acting like a bunch of termites.

Despite our IRRECONCILABLE difference of opinion about reproductive rights, Secretary Pompeo is one of the smartest, most professional people among those prominent in the U.S. Government.  

I'm about to say what he would never say, because he's too professional.  The Democratic Party is addicted to investigating other people while the pile of bullshit behind the Democratic Party threatens to form its own continent.  

The entire country, the entire world, can see the neon signs proclaiming "Democratic Bullshit Heap," and the Democratic Party either can't or won't, and even though it has allowed its industry of donors, fundraisers and publicists to say the most disgusting things about me for a decade and counting, the Democratic Party has either lost its sense of smell or is conspiring to permanently misdirect it.