Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I wish that you'd think more critically about your endorsements.

From Jaime Harrison's Twitter:


From Marvel's Twitter:


I'll let the true vegans confront you about Bojangles, although the food industry is going to have to be addressed sooner rather than later for its cruelty to animals, contributions to (very expensive) human health problems, energy consumption and environmental destruction.  Food waste in industrialized countries is a scandal of decades while millions of people in historically exploited countries have starved and continue to starve.  There is food insecurity, and then there is starvation.

Senator Graham and I have had similar opinions about the Middle East more frequently than I have agreed with some of the Democrats who will be your colleagues if you are elected.  For that reason, and for the fact that he's not the monster that he's frequently portrayed as being despite the numerous things that we disagree about, I'll be sorry if he loses.

I am a Democrat, and you seem not so bad.  Good luck.  If you are elected, I hope that you'll run and win several times and resist the thought of running for President until you're old.  I'm 46 now, so old means people in their 60's.