From Melody Cooper's Twitter:
Melody Cooper hasn't subsequently clarified that Amy Cooper did not make a 2nd phone call; the dispatcher called Amy Cooper back.
Once again:
-Christian Cooper approached Amy Cooper and told her to leash her dog.
-Mr. Cooper's video begins with Amy Cooper about to leash the dog. Ms. Cooper looks up, sees that Mr. Cooper is filming her, and asks him please to stop. He doesn't.
-Mr. Cooper has sometimes been honest enough to say that before he started filming, he told Ms. Cooper that he was going to do something that she didn't like if she didn't leash her dog. He has said that he offered the dog treats, and that he knows that dog owners don't like having other people give food to their dogs. If he knows that it makes dog owners angry when strangers offer their dogs food, then why does he do it?
-Mr. Cooper would not have been so humiliating or controlling toward Ms. Cooper if she had been a man or if she had had a man with her. He didn't say that, but it is horrifying that misogyny is still so powerful that he could post his own video of bullying Ms. Cooper until she was distraught, receive sympathy for it, ruin her life, provide the impetus for a law to be passed weeks later, stand by while she's charged, write a graphic novel about the incident, and be the center of such a media storm that the criminal justice system in New York has jettisoned reason and told lies to convict Ms. Cooper and avoid admitting how ridiculous the entire thing is.
-Christian Cooper didn't "walk away." He posted the video online. His sister, Melody Cooper, reTweeted it. Saturday Night Live had kicked off a "Karen"-hunting frenzy with its BBQ Becky skit 2 years before the Cooper incident. Melody Cooper already worked for the M&E industry, writing, of all things, horror.
-Amy Cooper is the one who walked away. If she still wanted to meet with the police by the time that the dispatcher called her back, it was probably because she didn't want Mr. Cooper jumping out again somewhere with his cell phone camera.