Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I want to clarify.

From Representative Waters' Twitter:


Am I missing something?  Did a long-time, multi-millionaire U.S. Congresswoman start a hashtag in 2017 calling a Jewish, Section 8 tenant who had already been homeless for a total of 4 years since 2011 and who was struggling to keep her housing while attending college and being psychologically battered a Soviet/Ku Klux Klan leader?

I was homeless again by the time that this Taylor Swift video was published, that year:














From Lady Gaga's Twitter:


From Amy Schumer's Twitter:


From Reese Witherspoon's Twitter:


This is a small percentage of the entertainment industry's vicious gang of hypocritical, entitled, selfish, lying bullies.  Every one of the profiles for these celebrity Twitter accounts is promoting criminal privacy invasions and victim-blaming.  

As for Taylor Swift, you'd have to ask why her video for "Look What You Made Me Do" was her answer to being embraced by American Neo-Nazis. Maybe she meant it as a joke.  Some joke.  It has had more than a billion views.  Do you think that everyone who has seen it knows that it's a joke?

From Google for "Taylor Swift Neo-Nazis":


Why was it that Ms. Swift suddenly decided that she wanted to be involved in politics in 2018? I know that it's not because she cares about people; she's been part of the conglomerate since 2010.  Was it because I was being attacked by the same M&E industry machine that has persecuted me since 2010 and criminally victimized the public since 2011 for treating President Trump as if he were a person and not a caricature?  Was it because of the success that she and other hyperprivileged, famous, young white women had had in 2017 at co-opting a feminist movement that died a quick, painful death in weeks this year, for a Presidential candidate whom they're all supporting?

It's not that Representative Waters doesn't know who I am, after a decade and counting, is it?  Despite the millions of people calling me Crazy Internet Lady and ridiculing me for saying that famous people know who I am, Representative Waters isn't calling me crazy, is she?  

Maybe she wants to demonize me so that she doesn't have to take responsibility for stopping what she and everyone else who has been in politics has been aware of since 2010; vicious, gratuitous crime whose targets are some of the country's most vulnerable people, perpetrated for the amusement of some of the country's wealthiest people.