Wednesday, May 5, 2021


From Justin Bieber's Instagram:

That's why you commented at this post, isn't it, you rape-enabling, entertainment industry whore, you traitor to women, YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF LYING SHIT?!

How does it feel to make your money from enabling and defending one of the most obnoxious, disgusting, spoiled brats who has ever walked the earth?  What are you going to help him get away with next, murder?  

Do you pray to Jesus every day, saying "Thank you, Lord, for bringing me to Justin Bieber, the definition of the FUCKING DEVIL?"

Apparently, married life with just one woman isn't as much fun as he thought it might be.  Since he can't keep ordering models to sleep with, all of his puerile bullshit is focused on me every second of the day, when he's not getting stoned, right? 

He has substituted having his friends over to take disgusting pictures for fucking a dozen women per week.  

Meanwhile, impoverished women of color throughout the Boston area have been criminally victimized by voyeurism since 2011, while he has pretended to be black and now has a new hit album grifting off the events of this past year.  

How does that feel, Allison, to know that the thousands of dollars that you spend on your child are made from enabling the visual rape of grandmothers and disabled people of color?