Wednesday, May 5, 2021

I guess so, Instagram.

I was going to take it easy, just publishing screenshots to support everyone getting needed health care while listening to self-help at YouTube.  It does upset me when I'm censored while people who are committing, promoting and tolerating obscene human rights abuses against me and others from the safety of their hyperprivilege and media conspiracy can use the same mediums with impunity to lie about their rape victims and make jeering, obscene gestures.  

Censorship gave me something else to do today besides keep my temper.  

Justin Bieber is a fucking rapist.  He sexually assaulted two former fans.  He's getting away with it, while also victim-blaming me for the conglomerate's criminal voyeurism.  HIS WIFE IS ALEC BALDWIN'S NIECE.  SHE IS ALEC BALDWIN'S NIECE, OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE'S TRUMPIAN FAME.  

The media could put President Trump out of commission by pursuing sexual assault convictions against him, but the media won't do that because the media is a perpetrator.