Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Thank you, Ms. Goddard.

Alexandria Goddard's Twitter profile:

It should have been enough, but the people running the United States are either directly supported by perpetrators of similar crimes or complicit in silence.  

Steubenville wasn't enough.  Audrie Pott's suicide wasn't enough.  Rehteah Parsons' suicide wasn't enough.  Daisy Coleman's suicide and her mother's suicide weren't enough.  Matthew Burdette's suicide wasn't enough.  Tyler Clementi's suicide wasn't enough.  Lauren McClusky's murder wasn't enough.  There are thousands more, in addition to the millions of slaves, many of them children, being sex-trafficked online all over the world.  

Nothing is ever enough to stop the world's most powerful people and institutions from doing what they enjoy and condoning the crimes of those who keep them in power.  

The police should be getting training and funding to address these issues.  I am uninterested in anything that anyone has to say in opposition to my opinion about that.  The police in Massachusetts do not know how to look for or find hidden, illegal cameras.  Even the Cambridge Police Department doesn't know how to do it and doesn't have the training or equipment for it.  If the police station that is walking distance from Harvard and MIT is technologically incompetent, what do you think is going on all over the United States and internationally?