Sunday, March 3, 2019

I guess I just feel like, "Why aren't you telling the cops in Boston that there are hidden, illegal cameras all over the place?"

Do you think there are no homeless veterans whom the conglomerate is criminally victimizing with voyeurism and involuntary pornography?

You're all talk.  Every one of you.  "Blah, blah, blah, I feel so guilty, I feel so good about feeling guilty, I gave some money, now I feel better."

If only they knew the truth, if only the public knew how full of shit every rich or otherwise powerful person who says "I care" is. 


“I’ve been in meeting after meeting where people ask, ‘Where did you get the money to do this exercise study? Where’d you get the money?’ I’m like, ‘Well I’ll tell you.’ People are excited about it before I tell them John Mayer did it,” said Gerard Choucroun, executive director of The Heart and Armor Foundation.
