Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Discrimination and cruel neglect at the Pine Street Inn women's shelter

The lobby on the 1st floor of the Pine Street Inn women’s shelter reeks.

I really think that the shelter should unlock the handicapped restroom door on the 1st floor and stop denying free access to it for the disabled people for whom that restroom is intended. 

I also think that the Pine Street Inn should allow all guests to do laundry in the shelter’s washers and driers, particularly since the shelter continues to refuse to provide transportation for the disabled guests to the Women’s Lunch Place, which has free laundry facilities in addition to food, computers, phones, a medical clinic, and other resources. 

It is impossible to understand why the Pine Street Inn women’s shelter refuses to provide transportation for disabled guests to the Women’s Lunch Place and to Boston Medical Center, when the Pine Street Inn does provide that transportation for nondisabled guests. 

The renovation of the new staff room on the 3rd floor of the Pine Street Inn women’s shelter is almost finished, even though there continues not to be even one electronic, handicapped accessible door in the entire building.