Saturday, July 6, 2019

Every politician should steer clear of these celebrities.

Both Scooter Braun and Taylor Swift have political aspirations in one way or another.  Scooter Braun is involved in political campaigning and has a frightening ambition to be the Governor of California.  Taylor Swift likes publishing her "opinions" about the issue-du-jour.  I have had a sudden image of her languidly writing for a few minutes with a pen that has a pom-pom or a feather at the end of it, then falling back, as if exhausted, into a massive pile of pillows on her huge bed in one of her residences.

If Hailey Baldwin-Bieber-Who-Knows-What-Her-Name-Is-Now weren't Alec Baldwin's niece, and if she were related to President Trump, she and Justin Bieber would be a weekly source of scornful mirth for Saturday Night Live.  They're both more or less illiterate, although Justin Bieber likes to display his stupidity as if it's a badge, while she actually has moments of being self-conscious about it.  Their evangelist bullshit ought to be too funny for satirists to pass up.

Here she is mocking me for being homeless and old, while she lives in a house bought by the ignorant, rape-apologist Justin Bieber, whose wealth seems to have given him permanent immunity for all of his crimes:

That's fine.  I call myself homeless and old all the time.  Why it is that she doesn't call herself a shallow, wealth-obsessed, fake-Jesus whore who owes her modeling career and all her other job opportunities to nepotism is a mystery.  I suppose, since she's never had to do an hour of real work in her life, it seemed logical to her to set her sights on the biggest star she could find and sit in his church until he decided to retire in his mid-twenties and he had nothing else to do besides create a drama out of marriage.  

I realize that my spite is probably part of the glue of the Bieber-Baldwin relationship.  They probably spend hours of every day hacking my phone and waiting for me to publish a blog post.  They are the idle rich.  If they weren't abusing me with their friends and business partners, they'd be abusing someone else or fighting amongst themselves.  

Here's Justin Bieber calling me fat:

Apparently, he likes bullying women, and now he feels he can do that with spiritual impunity, since he "found Jesus" with Hillsong Church.

Unfortunately, this girl didn't know that she had the option of calling him a fucking piece of garbage: