Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I'm not homophobic.

I do not mistreat gay or bisexual people, and I am an Equal Opportunity Hater.  There are plenty of heterosexual people whom I don't like; many of them are proud to have been my worst enemies for years.

Also, I never try to figure out what someone's sexual orientation when I'm listening to music.  If I like your music, or if I HATE your music, it has nothing to do with your sexual preferences.  There are people whom I know to be miserable, selfish chauvinists (John Mayer, What's His Name From Maroon 5), people who have done everything they can to demonstrate that they don't respect me and that they enjoy trying to upset me (Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and an entire roster of other spoiled brats), who are nonetheless able to write or select from prefabricated options music whose sound doesn't make me think longingly of being put through a wood chipper feet first.  

I listen to the Indigo Girls sometimes, at what is supposed to be the privacy of my phone.  Is that why Apple and AT&T have plastered the side of the homeless shelter where the conglomerate's persecution has forced me to spend years of my life with an ad featuring someone about whom I have previously, unequivocally said "I HATE YOUR SONG ABOUT ME AND COULD NOT BE LESS INTERESTED IN DATING YOU!"

I was actually thinking over the past few weeks about how talented the Indigo Girls had to be to have the success that they had when they did.  They wrote really good music with intelligent lyrics.  They were unignorable.