Hacking people's phones, intercepting and monitoring their correspondence, threatening their friends, having cameras in their living spaces and bathrooms, placing them under the type of surveillance that the conglomerate has inflicted on me for almost a decade, and languidly extorting them with personal information culled from these invasions of privacy are all totalitarian activities.
Why a totalitarian government does those things has already been documented in many historical and contemporary contexts. I also finally realized that the media's involvement in these invasions is potentially lucrative for the media. If the world's population ceases to have the expectation of privacy anywhere, then the world turns into an endless source of profit. No more lawsuits. No more public outcry about the violation of standards of news that's fit to print. Only rich people will be able to protect themselves. They can't stop winning, somehow.
The conglomerate is getting away with treating me this way because I am female. I am censored by being slut-shamed and ridiculed; this is socially accepted by the perpetrators because I am also aging, impoverished and single. Eventually, I might not be impoverished or single, although the conglomerate is doing its damnedest to keep me that way by isolating me from normal humanity. The aging is unlikely to change course, and as the meager value given to my life by the conglomerate diminishes every year, the conglomerate is more blase, more predatory and more victim-blaming. After 9 years of this onslaught, there is now a generation of young celebrities who think that the way that I'm being treated is right, and that my objections to it are wrong, morally wrong, in addition to how satisfyingly mean I am about how I verbalize those objections.
Since the United States has a written law protecting free speech, every other means is used to undermine what I say, in addition to my blogs actually being shut down every once in a while by the websites that host them (Twitter is now one of them, and has already shut down one of my publications.) I have tried to have the hateblogs that are attached to Google searches of "Lena Kochman" removed from the Internet so that they don't affect my ability to be employed and housed and to have a social life; I have only succeeded in having one of them removed, and it was immediately reinstated by the vicious men who were writing at it. I once published a video at one of my past YouTube blogs, of a guy who looked as if he were about to hit me. YouTube shut down the blog because of the video, saying that the video was inappropriate and a violation of YouTube's policies. Men who have stalked me in their cars have also had their complaints to YouTube immediately addressed by YouTube, which has shut down videos that I published of them, their cars and their license plates and issued me warnings that the blogs will be shut down if I keep publishing "inappropriate" videos of men stalking me. People who use YouTube to publish hateblogs about me that invoke literally thousands of comments by viewers threatening to hit and kill me are also immune to penalties from YouTube.
I am not subsisting in a dungeon, shackled, starved, beaten, electrocuted and raped in person. People who commit those human rights abuses in, say, Syria, probably enjoy themselves as much as the people who bully me in the United States. Unfortunately, the worst of human nature exists on a spectrum. There's not a lot of variation to our bad side; just shades of intensity.
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...