Thursday, March 19, 2020

Clarity begins to emerge.

Nobody has contacted me at Twitter to discuss the possibility of preventing my impending spinsterhood.  Maybe I should give it more time, but I can't say that I'm surprised.

When I'm the one asking, instead of being the emotionally battered trophy in a competition, and when the request specifies that I am interested in a legitimate, respectful relationship with someone who shares my value system, suddenly the crowd dissipates.  Suddenly the years of illegally filmed video which the perpetrators have unconvincingly insisted have no negative effects on how I am perceived loom as large as I have always said they would.

Considering treating me like a partner to be proud of is very different from lining up to be the next in a visual and psychological gang rape from which social status and proft can be gained in direct proportion to how much I am abused.