Thursday, March 19, 2020

There's always something more important.

There's always something more important to someone than stopping the criminal privacy violations that have victimized innocent, unsuspecting people in the Boston area for years.

There's always another crisis.  There's always another excuse.  There are always people blaming me for something and using me to justify their own inconsistent behavior, but when the horrifying situation that I have warned about for years blows up in your face, don't blame me because you didn't want to listen.  

One thing that people who have never examined their own prejudices don't think about is the way that they change tactics to avoid hearing what they don't want to hear.  If you think what I'm saying isn't true because I'm crazy, then you also can't think that I'm responsible for what I'm saying and so you don't have a reason to intensely dislike me or try to make other people dislike me.  If you hold me responsible for what I say and intensely dislike me for it, then it must be that you think I'm sane enough for you to dislike.

Do I seem crazy?  Do I seem unsure of what I've been saying about the voyeurism year after year after despairing year? Have I changed what I have said?

If you think you're tired of hearing it, consider how tired I must be of saying it to an audience of the world's most powerful people for all this time while nothing is done.

I am telling the truth.  It is not a lie.  It is not a delusion.

Unity is not conformity.  People who demand the latter rarely get the former. Sometimes they can force its semblance but that creates another set of problems.