Sunday, April 26, 2020

I don't apologize.

I never said that I didn't believe the people who accused President Trump of sexual misconduct.  The only thing that I have said about those allegations is that I believe them.  I published more than one blogpage about that issue.  I have also said that if someone wants to prosecute him for sex crimes, I won't object.

When someone is in office, you have to work with him.  If you want to investigate allegations while he's in office, you can do that, while you maintain a respectful demeanor that is appropriate to your interactions with an elected official, to the best of your ability.

Everyone has more than one side to him or her.  That's what the Democratic Party and most of the media refused to acknowledge about President Trump.  They all wasted a lot of time and energy caricaturing him instead of having consideration for what that caricaturing cost the world's perception of the United States or for what it cost the people experiencing the most dire crises all over the world, who don't have time or energy for endless, stupid jokes.

In 2016, I also knew what the rest of the world didn't, which was the abject, vicious, mirthful corruption hidden by sanctimony and allowed, tolerated and/or participated by most of the political world, by most of the media, by most of the entertainment industry, by many corporations, by all of the professional, male sports leagues, by many cultural institutions, and the list continues.

What I already knew about the Democratic Party in 2016, the rest of the world is witnessing at intervals.

I don't know what to say about Secretary Clinton.  My main concern was that the entertainment industry not gain even more access to the White House, since that industry already has far more power than it knows or cares how to be responsible for.  I did not campaign for President Trump.  I did not blog in support of him before his election.  I began to interact with him online after he was elected.  I have frequently disagreed with him; nobody can honestly say that I haven't.

He has been as kind to me as he knows how to be.  He is a man of his generation, worse than some and better than others.

I said that then-Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw rather lie under oath.  He chose to lie under oath, and now the world knows that, in the United States, the blusterings of a man who shouts "I like beer" can win without too much trouble against the quiet, credible testimony of a female Ph.D.

There is an alternative to Vice President Biden.  That's Senator Sanders.