Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hey! Subway replaced Jared!

Who knew that a match made in unrepentant, unaccountable, leering sex offender heaven was imminent? 

So, Mr. Puth, how is your vagina today?

You published that picture to show your solidarity with victims of voyeurism, involuntary pornography and other sex abuse everywhere, didn't you?

I'm so happy to know that my attempts to help you stylistically were even more successful than my attempts to rehabilitate you morally.

Maybe I should be a motivational speaker.  My powers of persuasion are unparalleled, especially when contrasted to the hours, months and years of sexual harassment, illegal videotaping, gossip and other bullying of me by the conglomerate for a decade.  No, of course nobody involved in that bullying has meant to make everyone think that I'm a worthless moron; it's just really fun.  

When was the last time I said "FUCK YOU" to you specifically?  Was it this morning?


Do you think I should give you another chance?  A chance to fuck me with my consent to assauge some smidgeon of guilt that you might have about what you and the rest of the fucking assholes have done to me and countless other innocent, unsuspecting people for years?  Is that what you would do if you were me, give someone who had treated you the way that you have treated me another chance?  Is that what you would tell a woman whom you genuinely cared about if she wanted your opinion about someone who had treated her the way that you have treated me? Would you tell her "Give that guy another chance," or would you think she was stupid for even considering it?

That is what you think of me, isn't it?  That I'm some kind of fucking idiot.