Monday, June 29, 2020

I agree with Justice Stevens that the 2nd Amendment should be repealed.

I am also not a fan of rich people, having had what were initially shockingly and are now routinely bad experiences with them for a decade and counting.

However, breaking down a gate is a threatening thing to do.  You can't call that peaceful protest, or blame the residents for not wanting their windows broken and their home vandalized.

300 people.  That's a lot of people.  

All of this is sickening.  It's sickening that there's so much racism, sexism and sadistic violence in law enforcement.  It's sickening that nothing had been done about it.  It's sickening that peaceful protesters were attacked by police.  It's sickening that rioting and nondefensive aggression toward police were condoned by authority figures and other spectators.  It's sickening that black people have been lynched and that others have died in the midst of this conflict.  It's sickening that a couple feels the need to own guns.  It's sickening that a situation in which those 2 people were prepared to defend their home against 300 people who had broken down a gate to march through their neighborhood is being used to ridicule the people who were prepared to defend their home.  What were they supposed to do, smile and wave?  Hold up signs?  Show a false solidarity out of fear?  At least they were honest.