Wednesday, June 24, 2020


From YouTube:

The entertainment industry, and Apple, have had years to do what is decent and responsible toward me and the public.  They're still not making those decisions.

I do not want to work for this industry or for Apple.

Good luck with your show.  I'm not trying to take work away from anyone who's not going out of his or her way to make my life worse.  It doesn't seem like you're trying to do that, although obviously since there are still hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing people throughout the Boston area, and everyone who feels like it is still hacking my phone and probably also watching me in my home, you're not trying to make my life or anyone else's life better.  

 Please stop using incidents and gossip about my life as "inspiration," forcing me to relive my past or other painful situations.  IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Also, please stop forcing publicity on me.  

The word that I spelled at Scrabble was "fen," not "mess."  I don't play Scrabble often, but I could scrounge that word up.