Friday, June 26, 2020

Selena Gomez hasn't publicly confirmed Justin Bieber's alibi for March 9, 2014.

Here's her Instagram:

This is what Ms. Gomez wrote at one of her Instagram posts:


The media doesn't seem to be asking her a lot of questions about the allegations against Justin Bieber or his denials.  It's reporting about her clothes.

From Google for "Selena Gomez":

This is Kadi's profile picture at Twitter:

Does Kadi look white to you?

Kadi's allegation isn't from March 2014, but she did try to support Danielle and now both she and Danielle are being called liars and sued by Mr. Bieber.  

What is Ms. Gomez, smug that Mr. Bieber is being embarrassed and that Hailey Bieber has suddenly gone to Italy, but she's not willing to speak out to stop Mr. Bieber's aggression and silencing tactics toward these women? 

Mrs. Bieber's vacationing is also not being mentioned by the media at reports about Mr. Bieber.  The media is being very polite about him; far more polite than it ever is about coded references to criminally victimizing me in one apartment after another.