Friday, June 26, 2020

The media didn't even investigate the sexual assault allegations against Justin Bieber.

He is so clearly lying, and all the media did was repeat his denials, which apparently has encouraged him to file a retaliatory lawsuit.

From Google for "Justin Bieber":

The Internet is investigating these allegations and getting real answers that do not absolve Mr. Bieber, while the media ignores all of those leads, takes Mr. Bieber's side, and encourages him to try to intimidate everyone who is speaking up and everyone who is giving corroborating information.  

Erin A Lynch has been terrified into making her Twitter account private, but Scott Kidder hasn't.  He is replying to questions from other Twitter users, and has clarified that Justin Bieber was in the hotel and not the restaurant when Mr. Kidder Tweeted about him.

Mr. Kidder's Tweet was about 2 hours and 20 minutes before Ms. Lynch's Tweet.  

There was also another Tweet from March 11, 2014, that placed one of Mr. Bieber's cars at the Four Seasons.

I took a screenshot of the investigative efforts of other Twitter users and published it on June 22, 2020, at this blog, at a page that I called "Pop Crave isn't listening to you."


Why was Mr. Bieber spending so much time at the Four Seasons if he was never a guest there?  Why was his car there?

From Mr. Bieber's Twitter:


If hotels didn't lie for their rich and famous clients, they'd stop having rich and famous clients and maybe even be sued.

I didn't want to have to do this.  Can't someone else do this? 

This is part of Danielle's Tweet, from her account which has since been deleted:

CNN didn't include that Tweet in its article about Mr. Bieber's retaliatory lawsuit, although it includes quotes from the lawsuit.

Quote from CNN:



The 9th.  The 10th.  Who cares about which date it was when you're not really investigating, don't care about the facts, and are only interested in repeating the lies of the accused rapist? 

You know what it's called when a victim gets a date wrong?  An "inconsistency."  A "discrepancy."  "Not credible."

You know what it's called when the media gets a date wrong about a sexual assault case?  "Business as usual."

So, Mr. Bieber's lawyers are trying to use Tweets that place Mr. Bieber at the scene of the crime to accuse his accuser of fabricating her story.  That's what the lawsuit means by "publicly reported," doesn't it?  

Kadi originally Tweeted support for Danielle.  That was a nice thing for her to do.  Mr. Bieber then started threatening to sue, his fans attacked her, and she Tweeted:

Then Mr. Bieber filed a $20 million lawsuit against Kadi and Danielle, because Mr. Bieber is a bully.

It doesn't seem as if Kadi was going to say negative things about Mr. Bieber in public until Danielle wrote in public that Mr. Bieber had sexually assaulted her.  Now Mr. Bieber is exploiting Kadi's emotional attachment to him.