Sunday, July 26, 2020


Why don't you ask The New Yorker if it hacked the hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment I had from 2016 to 2017 and heard me singing in the shower?

You can also ask the New York Times about the obscene things that it published at the front page of its website, referencing watching me sleep.  

Neither of those publications responded to the pages that I published for 5 months while I lived in that apartment, desperately pleading that someone who knew that I was telling the truth about the voyeurism contact the police, the property management's lawyer, or several other people whose phone numbers and emails addresses I provided.  Nobody did, of the hundreds of people who watched me in that apartment for the year that I lived there.

"Everyone" knows that I'm a slut who likes having my privacy invaded (I only turn the lights off to shower, change my clothes and use the toilet as a subterfuge to hide my sluttiness), but nobody knows what I'm talking about when I have confronted the property management about the hidden, illegal cameras and have subsequently been called a crazy, harassing liar and hit with a retaliatory eviction.