Please start investigating everywhere in New York State that someone might think of installing a hidden camera. Those investigations need to be routine, conducted weekly everywhere that the public has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
The American media isn't discussing, investigating or reporting these crimes because it has promoted them and is a perpetrator of them. Probably, the media of other countries that are more prominent allies of the United States than South Korea isn't discussing, investigating or reporting these crimes, and the governments of those countries aren't taking action, because they know that the power elite of the U.S. has been a perpetrator of or bystander to these crimes against the U.S. population for a decade.
I have lived in the Boston area since 2011. As far as I know, every elected official in Massachusetts is committed to being in denial about this issue. The illegal filming of people in homeless shelter bathrooms started in 2011, in Vermont, a few months before I moved to Boston, and has proliferated ever since then.
From Google for "South Korea voyeurism":