Thursday, July 9, 2020

I have to say it again.

This is terrifying.

From Google for "CAREN Act California":

California is a world epicenter of misogyny.  It's even more upsetting that this law has been proposed by a San Francisco lawmaker.  I thought that San Francisco would be one of the safest places in California, if not the only safe place, for women, because of its history of gay residence.  

I was terrified last night, because of reading that Amy Cooper has been charged.  I woke up several times because of that, although I also had a nightmare about voyeurism, set in my bathroom where I frequently turn off the light even to brush my teeth so that I won't be exposed to conglomerate jokes about blow jobs.  

This morning, to hear about this bill; it's like a waking nightmare.

Targeting white women isn't going to end racism.  

Growing up in Vermont, which is primarily white, I never experienced Black hatred.  My understanding of Black America was idealized.  Although I'm sure there's racism in that state, everyone whom I ever knew bent over backwards to be friendly to and solicitous toward Black people.  It took the last decade and moving to Boston for me to have a less idealized understanding.  

I think that the American media is so angry about my decade of protests against its crime promotion and is so invested in victim-blaming me that it has spent 2 years trying to criminalize the category of people to which I belong:  middle-aged, white women.  If this category can be criminalized and subsequently demonized to the world, then it won't be so difficult to explain when everyone finally knows that I'm not Crazy Internet Lady and that I have, with some errors along the way, been describing a criminal conspiracy against human rights for that decade.  

From Google for "middle-aged white women":


That's the first page of results.  

From Google for "middle-aged white men":


That's the first page of results.

It has always been true that a country can be run by people who are of the same age, race and gender as a large percentage of the population and that the people in power feel no solidarity with those who look like them and who have no power.  It is a fallacy that all white men support all white men, as it is a fallacy that all white men respect all white women, a fallacy that all white women support all white women, that all black men support all black men, and so on.  

Have you never heard of war? Have you never heard of rape?  Every culture, everywhere, has always had those things.  

Demonizing categories of people has never changed anything for the better.