Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I have played spades, but it was a long time ago.

From Damon Young's Twitter:

I'm sure that I would lose.

Mr. Young's Twitter profile:

A "professional black person?"  It does seem that's what white media is paying you to be.  Have you thought about why?

The more different you are, the more different you will stay.  Where have you heard it before?

The white media is giving you a platform to talk about how different, how separate, you are.  Is it intentional?  Overall, probably not, which makes it no less insidious.

There were people who thought that Me Too couldn't be extinguished, but that only took a few weeks.  It took no time for every declared principle of that movement to be betrayed.

When the media's fad has run its course, then what?  Who's going to be listening to you when the media loses interest in exploiting Black Lives Matter?

Maybe now is the time to be nice to people who are trying to be nice to you, as inept as they may be.  It's always better to be approached by people who are bad at being nice than by people who are good at being cruel.