The story written for him by his management team, which he reposted and has had his lawyers pursue, is that he never stayed at the Four Seasons, that he never stayed at a room there.
It only took me a few hours to find this Twitter account that places him at the Four Seasons. Those are only a few of the Tweets that contradict an integral part of his defense.
There was also another Twitter account from a former fan, talking about girls being picked up in a van; my laptop suddenly had a technological problem when I started reading about that and I lost it.
He is not telling the truth; there are Twitter users who solved this weeks ago, and the media has ignored it.
He had Twitter suspend Danielle's account almost immediately, and now his lawyers, in addition to having filed a $20 million lawsuit against Danielle and Kadi, are adding to their intimidation efforts.
Kadi Tweeted that she wasn't scared of lawsuits. That was weeks ago, also. Now she has changed the settings at her Twitter account.
I hoped that Mr. Beiber would decide to drop this lawsuit and take responsibility.