Friday, July 31, 2020

Someone needs to investigate the sexual assault allegations against Justin Bieber.

My attempts to persuade him to drop his lawsuit against the two women who accused him of sexual assault and to stop his lawyers' other aggressive behavior toward those women are only making things worse.

Having interacted with Mr. Bieber socially, although not directly and not in person, and also having been a target of derision and sexual abuse by his industry and the rest of the conglomerate for a decade and counting, I am neither an effective persuader nor an unbiased investigator.  

This is the Twitter account that I started to try to investigate the allegations:

His denials of Kadi's allegations are also convincingly refuted by evidence that she published at her Twitter.  Unfortunately, she has changed the setting of her Twitter in response to intimidation.  

There is additional investigative work to do for both of those allegations.  Someone should be doing that work.  I should not have to do it. 

If the media can weaponize Twitter to ruin the lives of previously unknown white, middle-aged women, then it should be able to sort through the evidence that is online that Mr. Bieber is lying.  I haven't consolidated or even read most of it.