Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The name doesn't need to be rehabilitated.

There's nothing wrong with the name Karen.

You know what else?  There are several thousand more humiliating images of me (plus sound for bathroom noises) than there are of you, and I never started a GoFundMe or similar fund, asking other people to support my Tweeting lifestyle from their paychecks.  I am welfare-dependent, but I'm not totally welfare-dependent.  I have worked whenever I could work, and I have fought losing battles to keep bad jobs that paid me as little as possible to work as hard as possible, so that I could make my own money.  

I haven't asked anyone to help me have or maintain a lifestyle that could be described as privileged even by the most critical person.

I don't feel harsh toward you, and you know that.  The "Karen"-profiling is destructive.  I'm informing you that it is.  Nobody is going to respect you more because of it.  The people who don't respect you don't perceive you; "Karen"-profiling is bullying, it won't help.  

Ostracism can make its targets do really hateful things.  Social isolation for the targets is the goal of perpetrators of nonconsensual pornography.  However, you have a community; the other targets, thousands of them, suffering silently and trying to be hopeful while everyone in power allows our lives to be destroyed for the amusement of sadists.  

We are where other stigmatized people were decades ago.  We're not trendy.  It's the same process that every other stigmatized group has had to go through.  You'd think the people in power would recognize that, but they are too greedy to care, all of them, they really only care about themselves.  They don't want to know.  They'll wait until there are so many survivors of these crimes that we can't be ignored, and then they'll argue with each other and try to get something out of it and be the politicians that they are.  

We have our lives to live, somehow.  We have the pain to describe, the horror to live through, and then, the ungrateful wretches of decades from now who won't suffer because laws will finally be passed and enforced won't appreciate us.  That's how it is.  

This issue is being ignored by the people in power, men and women, as if it has nothing to do with the glass ceiling.  Nobody wants to address it; it's almost funny how afraid they all are of being contaminated by it.  Despite the initial refusal to accept women into educational institutions and many professions, it has turned out to be easier for our culture to accept women who have educations and women who work than to accept women who have sex lives.  

I'm not bringing this up to blame you, but there is not one image of me that was not filmed illegally or unethically and there is not one image of me doing anything illegal, unethical or harmful.  The abuse of imagery is about the last bastion of male power.  It is about the transition of women from objects to subjects in their own lives.  It's that transition which is being blocked by these crimes and the legal system's negligence toward them.  

An educated woman is useful.  A working woman is useful.  The utility of educated and working women to systems is what has justified the cost to male control.  Ultimately, the systems haven't had to change very much; they just have more people to choose from.

Women who have sex lives aren't putting themselves in the service of a system that can profit from them.  They are opposing a system that has always exploited them, in their own homes, and that's why the system is punishing women and threatening them with ostracism through the abuse of imagery.  

A male-dominated perspective doesn't allow for female experience that isn't manipulated by men.  Women who can't be manipulated are atttacked.  It took a long time for me to realize that there is no empathy for my experience of being repeatedly, helplessly victimized by these crimes.  What casual observers have interpreted as positive interest toward me by the perpetrators has only been an ongoing offer of additional exploitation.  Really what the perpetrators want is to have proof of my retroactive consent; if I were to sleep with one of them, they would all feel absolved of even the slight pangs of guilt that they feel less every day that there is no intervention to stop them.  They don't care if I live or die.