Saturday, July 4, 2020

You're not asking for my opinion, are you?

I think that Selena Gomez and a lot of other people are still hacking my phone.  Apparently you are also hacking my phone.  I have never heard of you before and have never done anything to you.  I can't stop people from hacking my phone.  I'll never have another private conversation for the rest of my life.  Maybe that seems normal to you.  I hate it.  

Despite the lyrics of your song with Ms. Gomez, I'm the one who has been exploited for a very long time by a lot of people.  All I have done is to try to emotionally survive the exploitation.  

Obviously, you are yet another person who is being indoctrinated into the club of derision toward me and minimization of how I've been abused.  Rather than to try to dispel every rumor, lie and exaggeration, I'll say what none of them can twist into an untruth.  I have never asked for or taken so much as a penny from any of them.  

At least Ms. Gomez has stopped writing songs ridiculing me for talking to suicide and sexual abuse hotlines.  One of the videos that I recorded at my hacked phone after she did that talked about my thinking that probably she and other people who bullied me for seeking emotional support from crisis services don't want to stop living in denial that how I'm being treated is abusive.  They also don't want me to stop being isolated.  They don't want me to be out of their control.  The entire group of people that knows that I'm telling the truth has enjoyed the omnipotent feelings that their invasions of my privacy and other people's privacy have given them for years.  They don't want to stop victim-blaming me.  They don't want me to legitimize or strengthen my efforts to eliminate their power over me.  If I'm eventually, universally recognized as a survivor of what is very serious, long-term, elitist abuse, then everyone who has enjoyed victim-blaming me will have to accept the role of perpetrator.  

They like the script that they have written about the situation since 2010 because it is flattering to them and blames me for everything that they have done. They're not interested in reality.

There are many psychological theories to explain social phenomena such as victim-blaming, dehumanization, bullying, mobbing, and the dynamics of abuse.  So far, those theories haven't prevented these phenomena from recurring, probably because allowing the rich and powerful to abuse people who aren't rich or as powerful is socially, financially and politically convenient for the rich and powerful.

What has happened to me has happened because people felt like treating me badly and there was nothing to stop them.  It's not because I deserve it.  Nobody deserves human rights abuses.

I'm not hacking anyone's phone.  I'm not watching anyone in his or her home or in places where he or she has to bathe, change clothes, sleep or use a toilet while homeless or in a psychiatric unit.  I have never invaded anyone's privacy like that, and I wouldn't.