Friday, September 25, 2020

Why are there cameras in my apartment?

Why am I gossipped about, slut-shamed and repeatedly targeted for crime that is treated as if it is funny and my fault, while Candice Swanepoel has had nothing but highly paid fun for a decade and counting?  What she does for a living is what I have refused to do; it has been forced on me while I live in poverty.

I confront patriarchy and she doesn't.  That's why she is treated as if her morality is intact while I am tormented by self-righteous perverts every day.

From Candice Swanepoel's Instagram:


From mothers2mothers' Instagram:


From Google for "Candice Swanepoel Forbes":

Those are a few of the many Forbes articles about Ms. Swanepoel.  Forbes is a big fan, which it would be since Ms. Swanepoel is a commodity.  

I have never consented to having a naked or otherwise intimate picture taken of me.  It is all illegal, made possible by my poverty.

Neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party gives a damn about the rights of anyone who isn't wealthy.  Their blusterings that they do are lies.