Friday, October 23, 2020

Meanwhile, the genocidal dictator of Syria wins.


Fuck you, you stupid bitch.


Fuck you, and fuck your Democratic fund-raising, child-corrupting, misogynist manager Scooter Braun, and fuck the smarmy, stupid, self-righteous, show-off Democratic Party and the media that have exploited Black Lives Matter to distract from Tara Reade's allegations against Vice President Biden and to portray Biden as the savior of the country from racism, and fuck the Trump administration that is allowing the Assad regime to be normalized, and fuck Senator Rand Paul and his Tweets about "endless wars," and fuck the anti-Semites in Congress, and fuck all of you.

Politics in the United States are a fucking media show.  They are complete and utter bullshit.  

You really don't fucking get it, do you?  Nobody's going to be protesting when it's cold outside.

George Floyd died on May 25, 2020.  The Presidential election is on November 3rd, 2020.  The timing was absolutely fucking perfect for the Democratic Party.  

Why don't you read about what happened to the peaceful protestors in Syria, and what the Obama administration didn't do about it?