Stop trying to imply that the Trump administration has caused the dysfunction of homeless shelters. No administration has ever addressed it.
Homeless shelters aren't as bad as they are only for lack of funding, and you know that, too. It's because the population that is supposed to be getting help is stigmatized, and so the system gets away with being dysfunctional.
Neither you nor any other politician in Massachusetts is willing to tackle the sacred Pine Street Inn or investigate the places that are even worse or confront Health Care for the Homeless about why everyone's still on drugs, or do anything that might upset the wealthy, clueless donors and patronizing board members who have never in their lives spent a night in a rehab or mental health facility where they were not treated with utmost solicitude and who have definitely never spent a night in a homeless shelter.
How many other politicians in the United States are the same, fearful of seeming adversarial to local organizations with saintly reputations?
What have you been telling the rest of the Squad since you were elected and you all started being interviewed about girl power, that I'm exaggerating? That it's under control? Or do you just not talk about it during your get-togethers?
Maybe the rest of the country doesn't know just how corrupt and hypocritical the Democratic Party is, although I think that this year was a major disillusionment. Maybe Biden/Harris is going to win anyway, since the country has been given no other Democratic choice. Not that Senator Sanders has ever confronted the conglomerate or the entertainment industry; he hasn't. It could be that the Republican Party would be just as self-righteously hypocritical with glamor as the Democratic Party is but the Republican Party is rejected by the M&E industry and so pretends not to want the support. I don't know.
Whenever the fuck you all want to do what you're elected for, hey, don't let me hurry it up for you. I know that you have lots of Tweeting to do about each other.