Saturday, October 3, 2020

Saturday Night Live is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.

It is not political satire.  It is political propaganda.

From Justin Bieber's Twitter:

From Google for "Justin Bieber":


Justin Bieber has been credibly accused of sexual assault by two women.  He published blatant lies about both allegations, had Twitter shut down the account of one accuser and let his followers make the other one so miserable that she made her account private.  He filed a $20 defamation lawsuit against both accusers, full of the same lies that he had published at Twitter.  He also successfully petitioned a judge against no legal representative for his accusers to be able to subpoena Twitter for the identities of his accusers.

The M&E industry hasn't confronted him; it has supported him.  The slightest investigation shows that he's lying.  

Mr. Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun, is a fundraiser for the Democratic Party and has political aspirations.

From Google for "Scooter Braun Democratic Party":


If someone other than me is going to confront Justin Bieber about these allegations, there seems to be no immediate plan to do so.