Tuesday, November 3, 2020

I just noticed this.

From Representative Waters' Twitter:


Is that supposed to be about me?  

And it's just a coincidence that you represent a California district?

When you pinned this Tweet, I was still publishing pages at my previous blog, asking that anyone from the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who knew that I was telling the truth about hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment verify to authorities that the voyeurism was real, so that the landlord's retaliatory eviction case against me could be stopped.  For months, I asked for that verification, publishing names and contact information.   I was homeless again by the beginning of the summer of 2017.  

Here's my discussion of my essay contrasting Marita Bonner and Arthur Miller.  I wrote it while I was a Biotechnology student at Bunker Hill Community College.

I was given a B+ for this essay, even though I never read anything written by another student in the class that did not signal functional illiteracy, and even though the white, male professor said that he gave a "C" to anyone who turned in anything for this assignment. 
