Tuesday, November 3, 2020

I thought that someone would help.

The eviction case accused me of harassing the property management with false accusations that there were hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment.  I went to the police and to every agency that is supposed to prevent impoverished people from losing their housing. 

In the end, there was nothing that I could do, so I resolved the retaliatory eviction case by signing an agreement to move out of the apartment.  Then I was homeless for another two years, bringing my total years of homelessness in Masschusetts to 6 since 2011. 

During those two years, I was again targeted for criminal voyeurism, and so was everyone who lived at the Pine Street Inn and everyone who was a member of Boston Sports Clubs, where I finally got a membership after months of being homeless with no locker had distended my knee from carrying around my backpack.  I again published requests that people who knew about the criminal voyeurism and the Pine Street Inn anonymously tell CrimeStoppers at the Boston Police Department.  Either nobody has done that in all of this time or the police department hasn't investigated or the results of the investigation are being suppressed to prevent lawsuits and negative publicity.

I am telling the truth.

Some requests for help at my previous blog, "Woods-Mullen Shelter Is A Crime Against Humanity":