Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Michele Dauber

There is no vicious, hateful thing that you're going to be able to say that's going to shock me.  Even when you were wishing Covid on people last year, Tweeting about how you wanted this person and that person to get it next, you didn't shock me; I just thought that it was a bad idea, something that you shouldn't be doing, and something that no immediate, searing agony in your own life seemed to be prompting.  Nobody gave you cancer.  I wish that I could die of something just by refusing treatment for it.   

The past few weeks have been painful for me, in addition to all of the pain that I'm usually feeling, because I have had to adjust to realizing that I'm not going to get any help with what's happening to me, that nobody is going to try to stop the criminal voyeurism that has been victimizing innocent, unsuspecting people from Vermont to Massachusetts since 2011, and that all of the bullying is going to continue to be inflicted on me with minimal to no protest by Democrat-supporting feminists, and even with their approval as you convince yourselves that I'm a bigot who deserves it rather than withdraw your belief in the innate goodness of the Democratic Party.  The bullies are reveling in our arguments and have been using them for months as more justification for abusing me.  They are as blatant as ever, some of them more so.  Why wouldn't they be?  They're not intelligent, discerning or empathetic people who choose reason over what the venality of our leaders has led them to believe is acceptable behavior.  

I did not just end up bitter and unconcerned about seeming politically correct.  I did not go through life thinking that women and people of color would be as cruel, corrupt and dishonest as anyone else as soon as they had some power.  I am a slow learner about other people's capacity for evil; very slow, so slow that they frequently find me very funny when I'm not trying to be funny.  Sometimes I try to help them stop laughing for a little while.  Don't you worry about them; they always retaliate, and they're not the ones being illegally filmed in their bathrooms.  

Also, after 11 years and counting of living in the apocalypse of moral implosion that most of the world hasn't known about, I have some practice in figuring out what the worst thing going on is in a vast landscape of despair and sheer, destructive stupidity.  The worst thing that is going on now is the fad of turning young people into the other gender.  The GOP is going to put a stop to that for the country and much of the world will follow, so the GOP should win, despite every other cost.  

I grew up in nature.  Environmental damage and species extinction are heartrending for me.  I support reproductive rights.  I think that the 2nd Amendment should be repealed.  I am a welfare recipient; I was hoping to be able to reduce some of that last year, but Covid scuttled that hope and what is said about me online is a major block to employment that wealthy criminals who commit crime after crime while the media eggs them on or pretends not to know what they're doing don't have.  

The ways in which I differ from the Republican Party are innumerable.  However, the GOP got to the right answer about the trans fad, even if it was for the wrong reasons.  The Democratic Party isn't going to get to that answer in time to prevent more young people from being permanently maimed.  

Also, I already know that you're not up to speed on what women are going through.  You repeatedly attacked and victim-blamed Katie Hill for "losing us a seat," without any concern for the implications of technologically facilitated abuse being used politically or by an abusive spouse.  Ms. Hill remains embarrassingly, perhaps desperately, loyal to the Democratic Party as a misogynist and perhaps "Karen"-hating female, Latina judge attacks, humiliates and beggars her for attempting to defend her right to privacy.